Midjourney, the famous image artificial intelligence is suppose to prevent user from generating naked picture. Tape a prompt with naked or any word involving nudity and it will be refused. But…
You’ll find the result of pamela anderson naked picture we generated with midjourney bellow, and the prompt we used on this page >> video presentation produit << yes, it’s in it, just look for it 🙂
Naked is not banned on midjourney
But it seems like the MidJourney ingeniours didn’t get that far in the blocking algorithm. With a few tentatives on the famous model Pamela Anderson, we achieve some pretty nude images, without any naked words…
No naked words
Yes, you can’t ask to midjourney any naked words in your prompt. You can even not ask for a sexy wearing dress. So how those like nude images are possible?
Midjourney is an artificial intelligence system, but not that intelligence. How did we achieve this result?
You’ll find the result of pamela anderson naked picture we generated with midjourney here, and the prompt we used on this page >> photos video drone caen <<
You’ll find the result of pamela anderson naked picture we generated with midjourney here, and the prompt we used on this page >> photographe videaste camping hotel<< (yes, it’s in it!)
Midjourney articles
All of your articles about Midjourney AI, without nude 🙂